28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK

28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK

28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK
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28 Inch 48V E-Bike Electric Bicycle Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit NEW UK

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
Spezifikation: Zustand: 100% nagelneu Typ: Heckmotor Motorspezifikationen: 36V / 350W Geschwindigkeit: 35KM / H Öffnungsweite der Hinterradgabel: ca. 135 mm / 5,3 Zoll Bremsen: V-Bremse / Scheibenbremse Steuerung: 36V / 18A Auxiliary: 5-Magnetpunkt-Hilfssensor Bremshebel: Bremshebel ausschalten Drossel: Daumendrossel Anzeige: SW-861LCD-Display Verdrahtungsmethode: wasserdichter Draht wird für den Auslassmotor verwendet, gewöhnlicher Draht wird für andere verwendet Packliste: 1 Motor 1 Controller 1 Hilfsgerät 1 Elektronische Servobremse 1 Daumendrossel 1 LCD-Anzeige 1 Wasserdichtes Kabel 1 tragbare Tasche des Controllers 1 7-Gang-Schwungrad (ausgestattet mit Hinterrad) Dieses Elektrofahrrad-Kit enthält alles, was Sie (außer Akku) brauchen, um Ihr Fahrrad in einer hohen L. 26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW. E-Bike Umbausatz 36V 350W 26. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. 1.36V 350W brushless toothed motor specifications, strong and powerful. Equipped with a powerful controller to ensure large current supply. Suitable for V-brake and disc brake. The maximum speed of the motor is 30km / h. The size of the rear fork is 135mm. With ordinary thumb type handle. The size of the rim is 26 inches (suitable for 26-inch bicycles). Crank speed sensor for pedal assist. LCD function: speed mileage display, power display, fault display, speed five speed, fixed speed cruise. Condition: 100% brand new. Motor specifications: 36V 350W. Auxiliary: 5 magnetic point auxiliary sensor. Brake lever: power off brake lever. Wiring method: waterproof wire is used for outlet motor, ordinary wire is used for other. 1 Electronic power brake. 1 Controller portable bag. 1 7 speed flywheel (equipped with rear wheel). This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. The suits are not waterproof. Please don’t ride in the rainy day. We use the brake cable with a power cord, our clients can use disc brakes, but can not use hydraulic brake. About the battery: the size of amps determines the amount of battery storage, the battery storage determines the length of using time, the battery in our pack must match the interface of our controller. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. Hinweis: Achten Sie beim Anschließen des Controllers an die Drähte darauf, dass Sie die richtigen Farben an den Controller anschließen. Andernfalls kann der Controller beschädigt werden. Dieser Fahrrad-Umrüstsatz ist mit einem großen, energieeffizienten 350-Watt-Motor ausgestattet. Der Motor ist bürstenlos, um den Lärm effektiv zu reduzieren. Er hat viele Vorteile, wie z. Einen leistungsstarken Controller, LCD-Funktion, einstellbare Geschwindigkeit mit fünf Gängen, Tempomat mit fester Geschwindigkeit, usw. All dies wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen das entspannende und aufregende Fahrerlebnis zu bieten, das Sie verdienen! Dieses Produkt ist mit einem 350W bürstenlosen Getriebemotor ausgestattet, der leistungsstark ist und Geräusche reduzieren kann. Dieses Produkt ist mit einem leistungsstarken Controller ausgestattet, um eine hohe Stromzufuhr zu gewährleisten. Es kann Ihnen helfen, zu fahren, verdoppeln Sie die Entfernung, und machen Sie die Fahrt Prozess einfacher! Zwei Arten von Bremsen. Dieser Fahrradumbausatz unterstützt sowohl V-Bremsen als auch Scheibenbremsen und bietet Ihnen eine doppelte Sicherheitsgarantie. Die leuchtend rote Farbe des Rades und das exquisite Aussehen dieses Modells fügen Ihrem Fahrrad eine schöne Kulisse hinzu. Dieses Produkt verfügt über eine einstellbare Fünf-Gang-Schaltung, aber auch über eine Cruise-Funktion mit fester Geschwindigkeit, um Ihnen ein noch nie dagewesenes Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Die LCD-Anzeige kann Geschwindigkeit, Kilometerstand, Leistung und Fehler anzeigen, so dass Sie den Status des Fahrrads in der Zeit erfassen können. Mit einer maximalen Motorgeschwindigkeit von 35 km/h ohne Last können Sie das aufregende Erlebnis des Fahrens mit hoher Geschwindigkeit genießen. Wir sind bestrebt, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir werden so schnell wie möglich antworten und das Problem für Sie lösen. Die Positionierung des Schwungrads sorgt für sanftere Schaltvorgänge und reduziert die Geräuschentwicklung. Dieses Produkt verfügt über einen Kurbelwellensensor für die Tretunterstützung. Dieser Fahrradumrüstsatz passt für 26-Zoll-Fahrräder. Durchmesser: 63.3cm/24.92in. Größe der hinteren Gabelöffnung: etwa 13,5 cm/5,3 Zoll. Bremshebel: Power off Bremshebel. 1 7 Geschwindigkeit Schwungrad. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Produkt das Bremskabel mit einem Stromkabel verwendet, können Sie Scheibenbremsen verwenden, aber nicht eine hydraulische Bremse verwenden. Der Anzug ist nicht wasserdicht. Bitte fahren Sie nicht im Regen. Bei der Installation, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Verdrahtung nicht umgekehrt ist (das wasserdichte Kabel wird für die Steckdose Motor, gewöhnliche Draht wird für andere verwendet). Außerdem sollte die Leistung und Spannung der Batterie, die Sie kaufen, mit unserem Kit übereinstimmen. Andernfalls kann es das Produkt beschädigen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das 7-Gang-Schwungrad mit dem Hinterrad ausgestattet ist. Bitte erlauben Sie den leichten Farbunterschied durch die Aufnahme Licht und 1-3 cm Fehler aufgrund der manuellen Messung verursacht, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nichts dagegen haben, bevor Sie bestellen. The suitable tire size is 261.75-2.125inch. Welcome to the yiyiukmall! We are committed to providing customers with better and more favorable products! Thank you for your support! France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday. Stable performance, Durable, Stable performance and High quality, Nice and Practical, High Quality Packaging. 5 magnetic point auxiliary sensor. Power cut-off brake lever. 36V 350W 26 Umrüstungs-Kit.
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit

20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit

20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit
Specification Rim Material: Aluminum Magnesium Alloy Spoke: 45 Gauge Steel Main Materials of Motor: Copper, Iron, Magnetic Steel Process: Oxidation Color: Silver Suspension Type: Front Special Feature: High Speed, Easy Installing Voltage: 36V Rated Power: 750W Rated Torque: 35N. M Boost Sensor System: 1:1 Motor Diameter: 154mm/6.06in Motor Shaft Diameter: M14 Motor Shaft Length: 170mm/6.69in Motor Cable Length: 110cm/4.33in Flat Fork Opening: 100mm/3.93in Suitable Wheel Diameter: 50.8cm/20in Rated Speed: 400RPM Motor Type: Brushless and Toothless Motor Efficiency:? 82% No-load Speed: About 35km/h/21.74MPH Brake: Six Hole Disc Brake Can be Installed Maximum Load-bearing Capacity: 120kg/264.55lbs Gross Weight: 10.5kg/23.14lbs Net Weight: 9.5kg/20.94lbs. 20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit. Electric Bicycle Front Wheel 20 E-Bike Conversion Kit 36V 750W Hub Bicycle Conversion Motor Kit. Do you still think riding in difficult conditions can be difficult? Let us make your ride easier. Motor in this kit provides your bike with stability, power, and wind-like speed for you to reduce the difficulty of riding and enjoy the freedom of riding! The spokes of the wheels are made of high-quality 45 gauge steel and the rims are made of aluminum-magnesium alloy. These strong, impact and corrosion. Materials provide excellent durability for this wheel. Our kit uses an upgraded. Motor that runs smoother and is less noisy than a brushed motor, thus providing consistent power to the bike. Motors do not require brush replacement, making maintenance easier. The kit includes detailed instructions. Simply follow the instructions and you can easily complete the installation of your bike, which saves you energy. The kit’s greater than or equal to 82% motor efficiency and 750 watts of power can provide you with great power while saving electricity. The 35 Nm torque of the motor and the 1:1 boost sensor help you save more labor when climbing, so you can ride. With high-quality 45 gauge steel and aluminum-magnesium alloy, the kit has a maximum load capacity of 264.55lbs, so the average adult can use it without worry. The motor’s 21.74MPH (35km/h) unladen speed gives you plenty of power and a high travel speed for a windy ride. The rim is made with a superb oxidation process, which greatly enhances corrosion, rust, and wear. While providing a shiny, smooth, and stylish appearance. We aim to provide quality products and services. We will reply and solve the problem for you as soon as possible. The handles have an uneven. Design that increases friction against the palm of your hand, which improves driving safety. The storage bag with cable holes makes it easy to store the controller. The fixing straps on the bag allow you to easily attach it to the bike. Thumb Speed Regulating Handle. The small and precise thumb speed regulating handle allows you to easily adjust the speed by pressing it, which is very convenient and accurate. The extension cable for the motor (110cm/43.3 long) facilitates mounting and power supply without length restrictions. This bike conversion kit is suitable for bike conversions. It is suitable for bicycles with a wheel diameter of 20 inches. Rim Material: Aluminum Magnesium Alloy. Main Materials of Motor: Copper, Iron, Magnetic Steel. Special Feature: High Speed, Easy Installing. Boost Sensor System: 1:1. Motor Diameter: 154mm/6.06in. Motor Shaft Diameter: M14. Motor Shaft Length: 170mm/6.69in. Motor Cable Length: 110cm/4.33in. Flat Fork Opening: 100mm/3.93in. Suitable Wheel Diameter: 50.8cm/20in. Speed: About 35km/h/21.74MPH. Brake: Six Hole Disc Brake Can be Installed. Maximum Load-bearing Capacity: 120kg/264.55lbs. Gross Weight: 10.5kg/23.14lbs. Net Weight: 9.5kg/20.94lbs. Package Size: 505023cm/19.6819.689.05in. Axial Length: 17cm/6.69in. Rim Diameter: 42cm/16.54in. Thickness: 3.2cm/1.26in. Front Dropout Spacing: 10cm/3.94in. 1 Front Drive Motor Wheel. 1 Thumb Speed Regulating Handle. 1 Set Brake Handles. 1 English User Manual. All Accessories Needed for Installation. It is suitable for 2-wheeled bikes not for 3 or multi-wheeled bikes. This product does not include a battery and tire. Please make sure to use lead-acid or lithium batteries of the corresponding voltage. Speed varies depending on road conditions, battery conditions, load, wind speed, etc. The kit is not. So take care to protect the interface when riding in the rain. Riding in the rain all the time is not recommended. Please allow the slight color difference caused by the shooting light and 1-3cm error due to manual measurement. Please make sure you do not mind before you order. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
20 inch 36V Electric Bicycle E-Bike Front Wheel Hub Motor Conversion Kit

72V 40Ah E-bike battery 48V 52V 60V 25Ah 20AH Lithium-ion Pack For 05000W Motor

72V 40Ah E-bike battery 48V 52V 60V 25Ah 20AH Lithium-ion Pack For 05000W Motor

72V 40Ah E-bike battery 48V 52V 60V 25Ah 20AH Lithium-ion Pack For 05000W Motor
We will do our best to resolve your issue till your satisfaction. All emails will be answered within 24 hours except weekends and holidays. Welcome to UPP official store. Why choose Unit Pack Power battery? 10 years battery packing experience, from 24V, 36V 48V 52V 60V 72V to DIY Voltage/Size, all we can make it for you, Mature production technology, and filter the high consistency cells, we know how to make a reliable and safe battery for customers. There are Grade A B C level battery, Unit Pack Power only use grade A cell for battery, safest packing process, never use cheap / false cells with false capacity / low price to attract buyers. Price = quality = customer’s service, you want to get a long range / long life / safe battery for your bike, or want to get a unknown cells battery back your home? Ebike battery charging cycle exceeds 1000 times. High-quality electric cells and a built-in BMS protection board prevent over-charge, over-discharge, over-current and short-circuit, ensuring long service life. Our battery fits most motor kits, for example: Bafang, Voilamart, CSC, Tongsheng, Ebikling, but exclude these four: Bosch, SHIMANO, Yamaha, Panasonic. Unit Pack Power assemble ALL our batteries in our factory, Professional imported machine spot welding, neat electric welding, cleverly designed the routing direction. Built-in genuine A grade lithinum cell. The outer layer of the battery pack made of waterproof PVC material, insulation, anti-corrosion and wear resistance. The inner layer has the advantages of low melting point, waterproof seal and high adhesion. Each pack have ran through a full charge and discharge test in produce, to make sure you are getting every amp hour you paid for. With Strong Battery Manage System. Our BMS can protect battery prevent may problem, such as. With our strong, you can use this triangle ebike battery more safety. Let you have a more pleasure experience while you are riding. Use A+ grade cells All THE TIME. Unit Pack Power never use fake cells. We insist on using A+ grade battery cells all the time. This is why our battery is expensive than others. Battery looks the same outside but different inside. When you receive them at first, they behave like a normal battery. But when you use it for a few months, you will find that the battery no longer works. 72V 20AH 60A BMS. 0 Series 8 Paralles. Battery Cell: A-grade 2500mah. Max Continuous Charge Current: 5A. Max Constant Discharge Current:60A(BMS). Peak Discharge Current: 180A. 60V 25AH 50A BMS. 16 Series 10 Paralles. Max Constant Discharge Current:50A(BMS). 48V 20AH 50A BMS. Configuration: 13 Series 8 Paralles (104 cells). Charge Cut-off Voltage : 54.6V. Battery Weight: 5.2kg. 52V 20AH 40A BMS. Apply for: 48V/52V 0-1500W Motor. Configuration: 14 Series 8 Paralles (112 cells). Max Constant Discharge Current:40A(BMS). Peak Discharge Current: 120A. Charge Cut-off Voltage : 58.8V. Battery Weight: 5.5kg. With Charger : 54.6V 2A. 48V 40AH 60A BMS. Apply for: 48V 0-3000W Motor. 13 Series 1 Parallels (13 cells). Battery Weight: 11.7kg. XT60 (male and female). 36V 20AH 20A BMS. 10 Series 8 Parallels (80 cells). Max Constant Discharge Current:20A(BMS). Peak Discharge Current: 60A. Charge Cut-off Voltage : 42V. 72V 40AH 100A BMS. 0 Series 1 Paralles. Battery Cell: A-grade Lifepo4 40ah. Max Constant Discharge Current:100A(BMS). 1× Lithium Battery 1× Charger with AU plug 1× Battery manual 1× Extra connector. The battery must be FULLY charged before first use. The battery is stored in a cool and dry place. Do not Separation, extrusion, and impact. Do not put battery into water and fire. Keep away from children. It is our goal to provide our customer 100% satisfaction.
72V 40Ah E-bike battery 48V 52V 60V 25Ah 20AH Lithium-ion Pack For 05000W Motor

20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W

20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W

20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W
Material: Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Magnet Steel. Power Type: Lead-acid or Lithium Battery (Not Included). Gear Series Hub Motor. Motor Net Weight: 3-3.5kg/6.6-7.7lbs. Motor Diameter: 143mm/5.63inch. Motor Shaft Diameter: M14. Motor Shaft Length: 153mm/6.02inch. Motor Cable Length: 100cm/39.37inch. Number of Sensors: 3. Flat Fork Width Requirement: Min. Brake: Disc Brake Rotor Type Can be Installed 6 Screws. Braking Method: Disc Type. Corresponding Controller: 36V 350w Controller. Available Wheel Size: 20inch. Instrument Function: Fault Display, Speed Display, Mileage Display, Five-speed Booster Speed Control, and Battery Power Display. Motor Wheel Load Speed: Max 24km/h. Wheel Diameter: 42cm/16.54inch. Wheel Width: 17cm/6.69inch. 1 Front Motor Wheel. 1 Set Pedal Assistant Sensors. 1 Headlight and Horn Switch. Other Accessories for Assembly. The speed is related to wheel size, road condition, battery condition, guest load, wind Speed, and other factors. It is suitable for the front wheel of a two-wheeled bike. It cannot be used for three-wheelers or multi-wheelers. Please prepare a lead-acid battery or lithium battery of corresponding voltage in advance. Please make sure a solid connection between the motor and the controller. Please make sure that the inner core of each plug is not damaged, broken, or bent. If your kit has been in use for a while and then suddenly stops working. It could be that your motor plug is soaked in water. Please unplug it and let it dry. Then put it back in place and it will work fine. You need to connect the machine correctly and firmly during installation so that the product can work properly. If there is a mistake during the installation process, the product will not work properly. After the installation is completed, you can check whether the error code is displayed on the LCD screen. Please read the manual completely before installation and use, and pay particular attention to the safety instructions included. Please allow the slight color difference caused by the shooting light and 1-3cm error due to manual measurement, and make sure you do not mind before ordering. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday. Guaranteed Customer Service! ??? Compact Design, Unique Appearance, high reliability. Made of high quality material. Durable Material, Good quality. Stable characteristic, high reliability. Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Magnet Steel. Lead-acid or Lithium Battery (Not Included). Brushless Gear Series Hub Motor. 3-3.5kg/6.6-7.7lbs. Flat Fork Width Requirement. Disc Brake Rotor Type Can be Installed 6 Screws.
20 Inch Front Wheel Electric Bicycle Motor Hub Conversion LCD Kit 36V 350W

Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit

Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit

Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit
1 X 48V 1000W Motor wheel. 1 X 48V dual mode 12 mosfet controller. 1 X controller bag. 1 X SW900 display. 1 X twist throttle (pair). 1 X brake lever (pair). 1 X PAS sensor. 1 X Disc brake. 1 X 7 speed thread freewheel. 1 X battery and charger—-this is optional. If you chose “with battery”, the battery and charger is included. If you chose “NO battery”, then the battery and charger is not included. Brake lever-Power cut-off Brake lever/sensor. There are 2 options. BZ-4(8)- 8 magnets PAS.
Electric Bicycle Battery Pack 48V 13Ah 18Ah 24Ah EBike Kit 1000W Motor Wheel Kit

Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole

Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole

Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole
WTY-17 e motion motor. Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole. Thank you for visiting our product. We usually dispatch all orders the same day, if ordered before our cut-off time. However some items are located at non-dispatch warehouse locations which means an extra day or two before we dispatch the order. If you wish to return an item after receiving your order you have 30 days to return your item. We will endeavour to turn an unhappy experience into a positive one. SDJ Sports was founded in 2012 by Steve Gill, Dominic Coates and Joe McNeice – three sports retail business professionals and keen sports enthusiasts who shared a common vision – to offer quality sports brands at all price points to worldwide customers and to fully utilise their combined years of experience and supplier relationships in the sports retail sector. We are committed to provide you with the very best online shopping experience. Our store features many products spanning a large range of sports.
Raleigh WTY-17 eMotion Motor Electric Hub 250w 36v Bike Spare Part 36 Hole

Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom

Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom

Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom
Cs-head{overflow:hidden;position:relative}. Title{margin:0;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;padding:5px 10px}. Dc-dock:hover{width:117px;background-position:bottom right}. Dc-cs{clear:both;max-width:100vw}. Dock-rb{right:0;bottom:0}. Title{font-weight: 700;font-size: 24px}. Title:after{content:’You may like';color: #FFFFFF}. Cs-list>li:nth-child(n+7){display:none}. Title{margin:0;font-weight: 700;font-size: 24px}. Coupon{transform-origin:right top;right:0}. Cs-list{margin:0 0 0 -20px;padding:0;background:#FFF}. Cs-list:before{display:table;line-height:0;content:}. Cs-list:after{clear:both}. Cs-list>li{float:left;width:16.66%;list-style:none;box-sizing:border-box;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;position:relative;margin:0}. Cs-list-col6>li{width:16.66%}. Cs-list-col7>li{width:14.28%;padding-left:18px}. Cs-list-col8>li{width:12.5%;padding-left:16px}. Cs-list-col9>li{width:11.11%;padding-left:15px}. Cs-list-col10>li{width:10%;padding-left:14px}. Cs-list-col11>li{width:9.09%;padding-left:12px}. Cs-list-col12>li{width:8.33%;padding-left:10px}. Cs-list>liwidth:33.33%! Cover:after{display:block;content:”;padding-top:100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center}. Cs-list a{text-decoration:none}. Title{color:#333;margin:5px 0}. Title:after{display:block;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:2;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;font-size:14px;line-height:1.4em;height:2.8em;overflow:hidden;white-space:normal;word-break:break-word;-webkit-hyphens:auto;-ms-hyphens:auto;hyphens:auto}. Plus{height:20px;overflow:hidden}. Price:after{content:”;font-size:14px}. Origin{margin-left:3px;font-size:12px;color:#AAA}. Origin:after{display:none;content:”;text-decoration:line-through}. Coupon{display:none;width:60px;height:60px;border-radius:50%;background:rgba(224,13,12.8);color:#FFF;position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;text-align:center;padding-top:12px;box-sizing:border-box}. Coupon:before{content:”;font-size:20px}. Coupon:after{content:’Off';font-size:12px;position:absolute;bottom:8px;right:12px}. Title{min-height:12px}p:empty+hr{display:none}hr+span. Dc_tracker_img{display:none}#ds_div>. Dc_tracker_img:last-of-type{display:block} [data-lid=”204805850475″]. Title:aftercontent:’26/28\\.
Electric Bicycle Left Side Drive Motor Mountainbike Conversion Kit Custom

Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom

Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom

Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom
Cs-head{overflow:hidden;position:relative}. Title{margin:0;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;padding:5px 10px}. Dc-dock:hover{width:117px;background-position:bottom right}. Dc-cs{clear:both;max-width:100vw}. Dock-rb{right:0;bottom:0}. Title{font-weight: 400;font-size: inherit}. Title:after{content:’Hot Sale';color: #FFFFFF}. Cs-list>li:nth-child(n+7){display:none}. Title{margin:0;font-weight: 400;font-size: inherit}. Title:after{content:’You may like';color: #FFFFFF}. Coupon{transform-origin:right top;right:0}. Cs-list{margin:0 0 0 -20px;padding:0;background:#FFF}. Cs-list:before{display:table;line-height:0;content:}. Cs-list:after{clear:both}. Cs-list>li{float:left;width:16.66%;list-style:none;box-sizing:border-box;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;position:relative;margin:0}. Cs-list-col6>li{width:16.66%}. Cs-list-col7>li{width:14.28%;padding-left:18px}. Cs-list-col8>li{width:12.5%;padding-left:16px}. Cs-list-col9>li{width:11.11%;padding-left:15px}. Cs-list-col10>li{width:10%;padding-left:14px}. Cs-list-col11>li{width:9.09%;padding-left:12px}. Cs-list-col12>li{width:8.33%;padding-left:10px}. Cs-list>liwidth:33.33%! Cover:after{display:block;content:”;padding-top:100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center}. Cs-list a{text-decoration:none}. Title{color:#333;margin:5px 0}. Title:after{display:block;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:2;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;font-size:14px;line-height:1.4em;height:2.8em;overflow:hidden;white-space:normal;word-break:break-word;-webkit-hyphens:auto;-ms-hyphens:auto;hyphens:auto}. Plus{height:20px;overflow:hidden}. Price:after{content:”;font-size:14px}. Origin{margin-left:3px;font-size:12px;color:#AAA}. Origin:after{display:none;content:”;text-decoration:line-through}. Coupon{display:none;width:60px;height:60px;border-radius:50%;background:rgba(224,13,12.8);color:#FFF;position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;text-align:center;padding-top:12px;box-sizing:border-box}. Coupon:before{content:”;font-size:20px}. Coupon:after{content:’Off';font-size:12px;position:absolute;bottom:8px;right:12px}. Title{min-height:12px}p:empty+hr{display:none}hr+span. Dc_tracker_img{display:none}#ds_div>. Dc_tracker_img:last-of-type{display:block} [data-lid=”395205479563″]. Title:after{content:’Light Curtain Sensor Switch Light Grid Disposable Light Barrier Safety Device’}[data-lid=”395205479563″]. Title:aftercontent:’15L Insulated Lunch Bag Adult Kids Men Thermal Cool Hot Food Storage Tote Box! Title:after{content:’Balcony Pool Glass Panel Balustrade Railing Glazing Posts Stainless Steel Post’}[data-lid=”395176058179″]. Title:after{content:’4Pcs Pink Artificial Silk Flower Wall Panel Set Wedding Background Venue Decor’}[data-lid=”395318104400″]. Title:after{content:’9pcs Plant Artificial Mat Greenery Wall Hedge Fence Foliage Panel Wedding pannel’}[data-lid=”395302950317″]. Title:after{content:’Dental LED Head Light Rechargeable Battery Portable Headlight for Surgical Loupe’}[data-lid=”395493017126″]. Title:after{content:’Heavy Duty 6 Ton Machine Dolly Skate Machinery Roller Mover Cargo Trolley Cart’}[data-lid=”394769287811″]. Title:after{content:’Pro Complete Tattoo Machine Kit 2 Tattoo Gun 50 Needles 20 Inks w/Power Supply’}[data-lid=”394565575555″]. Title:after{content:’New Classical Wooden Door Beaded Curtain Bedroom Porch Divider Screen 208 X 90cm’}[data-lid=”394806345144″]. Title:after{content:’240x90cm EVA Foam Teak Marine Flooring Yacht Boat Decking Self Adhesive Pad Mat’}[data-lid=”395410406902″]. Title:after{content:’5mm Gray EVA Foam Boat Decking Marine Yacht Flooring Mat Sheet Pad Self-Adhesive’}[data-lid=”394905391106″]. Title:after{content:’6mm EVA Foam Boat Decking Sheet Mat Faux Teak Marine Yacht Flooring Pad 24090cm’}[data-lid=”394631389734″]. Title:after{content:’1000W Brush Motor MY1020 Electric Motor For Scooter Quad Go-Kart E-Bike 3000 RPM’}[data-lid=”394917543000″]. Title:after{content:’Brush Motor Controller Control Unit Throttle Grip for Electric Scooter 48V 1000W’}[data-lid=”395293778185″]. Title:after{content:’12V 150W Electric Brushed Motor Replacement for E-bike Scooter MY6812 2750RPM’}[data-lid=”395056298762″]. Title:after{content:’Electric Bike Left Side Drive Motor Kit Mountain Bike Conversion Custom 250W 24V’}[data-lid=”395286899250″]. Title:after{content:’250W 24V DC Electric Vehicle Bicycles Motor MY1016 Fit E-bike Scooter Go-Kart UK’}[data-lid=”395342433363″]. Title:after{content:’48V 750W Electric Brushless Motor Controller For Electric Scooter Bike Go Kart’}[data-lid=”394567274176″]. Title:aftercontent:’28\\.
Electric Bicycle Left LH Drive Motor Mountain bike Conversion Kit Custom

Mycle Climber Urban Electric Bike Ebike 45km Range 250W 36V 12.8Ah Bicycle

Mycle Climber Urban Electric Bike Ebike 45km Range 250W 36V 12.8Ah Bicycle

Mycle Climber Urban Electric Bike Ebike 45km Range 250W 36V 12.8Ah Bicycle
Please note: Although these bikes are as new, they have been discounted due to damage to the packaging. This in no way affects the condition of the bike! These Climbers will also not come with a rear rack. Climber Electric Hybrid Bike. 70km Range – 36V 12.8Ah Battery. This comfortable and reliable hybrid bike style e-bike has a high-efficiency 250W brushless motor for a smooth ride. The Shimano 7 speed gears make it easy for you to seamlessly switch between gears, so you can adapt to the terrain and environment. At the push of a button, you can switch from fully manual to high speed assistance with 5 power assist levels. The climber is designed with the battery post hidden in the seatpost, while still being entirely removable for charging off the bike. It’s lockable, charges in 4 hours and has 70km real world range. Enjoy a smooth ride with the Mycle Climber, featuring 26 tyres and WB580-HLO suspension fork provide a smooth ride, tackling bumpy roads with ease. The Selle Royal padded seat provides you with an extra comfortable ride. The seat can change angle from both up & down and forward & backward to suit your riding position. The seat post is fully adjustable, making the electric bike tailored for you. An urban bike with attitude, suitable for an all terrain touring. Introducing the Mycle Climber Electric Hardtail Mountain Bike, a practical, strong, and sporty e-bike, perfect for exploring urban tracks or rural routes. The 26 tyres and WB580-HLO suspension fork provide a smooth ride, tackling bumpy roads with ease. Fitted with Microshift 7 speed gears, a powerful 250W high speed motor and 5 power-assisted levels, you’ll always be out in front. You can also switch from manual pedalling to pedal assist riding. The lightweight aluminium frame and black ergonomic vegan friendly saddle mean you’ll be comfortable too. Our front light and kickstand ensure the bike delivers on practicality. The 18650 power 36V LG battery is hidden from the elements inside the seat post, with a range of up to 70km in a single charge. Stay out in front by monitoring key riding stats on the LCD display that also controls the front light and comes with a handy USB outlet. Rest assured, your Mycle Climber is built and tested in the UK by our trained Cytech bike technicians, so we can deliver a safe, comfortable ride direct to your door. Minimum seat height: 96cm. Maximum seat height: 103cm.
Mycle Climber Urban Electric Bike Ebike 45km Range 250W 36V 12.8Ah Bicycle