26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
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26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
Spezifikation: Zustand: 100% nagelneu Typ: Heckmotor Motorspezifikationen: 36V / 350W Geschwindigkeit: 35KM / H Öffnungsweite der Hinterradgabel: ca. 135 mm / 5,3 Zoll Bremsen: V-Bremse / Scheibenbremse Steuerung: 36V / 18A Auxiliary: 5-Magnetpunkt-Hilfssensor Bremshebel: Bremshebel ausschalten Drossel: Daumendrossel Anzeige: SW-861LCD-Display Verdrahtungsmethode: wasserdichter Draht wird für den Auslassmotor verwendet, gewöhnlicher Draht wird für andere verwendet Packliste: 1 Motor 1 Controller 1 Hilfsgerät 1 Elektronische Servobremse 1 Daumendrossel 1 LCD-Anzeige 1 Wasserdichtes Kabel 1 tragbare Tasche des Controllers 1 7-Gang-Schwungrad (ausgestattet mit Hinterrad) Dieses Elektrofahrrad-Kit enthält alles, was Sie (außer Akku) brauchen, um Ihr Fahrrad in einer hohen L. 2Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW. E-Bike Umbausatz 36V 350W 26. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. 1.36V 350W brushless toothed motor specifications, strong and powerful. Equipped with a powerful controller to ensure large current supply. Suitable for V-brake and disc brake. The maximum speed of the motor is 30km / h. The size of the rear fork is 135mm. With ordinary thumb type handle. The size of the rim is 26 inches (suitable for 26-inch bicycles). Crank speed sensor for pedal assist. LCD function: speed mileage display, power display, fault display, speed five speed, fixed speed cruise. Condition: 100% brand new. Motor specifications: 36V 350W. Auxiliary: 5 magnetic point auxiliary sensor. Brake lever: power off brake lever. Wiring method: waterproof wire is used for outlet motor, ordinary wire is used for other. 1 Electronic power brake. 1 Controller portable bag. 1 7 speed flywheel (equipped with rear wheel). This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. The suits are not waterproof. Please don’t ride in the rainy day. We use the brake cable with a power cord, our clients can use disc brakes, but can not use hydraulic brake. About the battery: the size of amps determines the amount of battery storage, the battery storage determines the length of using time, the battery in our pack must match the interface of our controller. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. Hinweis: Achten Sie beim Anschließen des Controllers an die Drähte darauf, dass Sie die richtigen Farben an den Controller anschließen. Andernfalls kann der Controller beschädigt werden. Dieser Fahrrad-Umrüstsatz ist mit einem großen, energieeffizienten 350-Watt-Motor ausgestattet. Der Motor ist bürstenlos, um den Lärm effektiv zu reduzieren. Er hat viele Vorteile, wie z. Einen leistungsstarken Controller, LCD-Funktion, einstellbare Geschwindigkeit mit fünf Gängen, Tempomat mit fester Geschwindigkeit, usw. All dies wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen das entspannende und aufregende Fahrerlebnis zu bieten, das Sie verdienen! Dieses Produkt ist mit einem 350W bürstenlosen Getriebemotor ausgestattet, der leistungsstark ist und Geräusche reduzieren kann. Dieses Produkt ist mit einem leistungsstarken Controller ausgestattet, um eine hohe Stromzufuhr zu gewährleisten. Es kann Ihnen helfen, zu fahren, verdoppeln Sie die Entfernung, und machen Sie die Fahrt Prozess einfacher! Zwei Arten von Bremsen. Dieser Fahrradumbausatz unterstützt sowohl V-Bremsen als auch Scheibenbremsen und bietet Ihnen eine doppelte Sicherheitsgarantie. Die leuchtend rote Farbe des Rades und das exquisite Aussehen dieses Modells fügen Ihrem Fahrrad eine schöne Kulisse hinzu. Dieses Produkt verfügt über eine einstellbare Fünf-Gang-Schaltung, aber auch über eine Cruise-Funktion mit fester Geschwindigkeit, um Ihnen ein noch nie dagewesenes Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Die LCD-Anzeige kann Geschwindigkeit, Kilometerstand, Leistung und Fehler anzeigen, so dass Sie den Status des Fahrrads in der Zeit erfassen können. Mit einer maximalen Motorgeschwindigkeit von 35 km/h ohne Last können Sie das aufregende Erlebnis des Fahrens mit hoher Geschwindigkeit genießen. Wir sind bestrebt, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir werden so schnell wie möglich antworten und das Problem für Sie lösen. Die Positionierung des Schwungrads sorgt für sanftere Schaltvorgänge und reduziert die Geräuschentwicklung. Dieses Produkt verfügt über einen Kurbelwellensensor für die Tretunterstützung. Dieser Fahrradumrüstsatz passt für 26-Zoll-Fahrräder. Durchmesser: 63.3cm/24.92in. Größe der hinteren Gabelöffnung: etwa 13,5 cm/5,3 Zoll. Bremshebel: Power off Bremshebel. 1 7 Geschwindigkeit Schwungrad. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Produkt das Bremskabel mit einem Stromkabel verwendet, können Sie Scheibenbremsen verwenden, aber nicht eine hydraulische Bremse verwenden. Der Anzug ist nicht wasserdicht. Bitte fahren Sie nicht im Regen. Bei der Installation, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Verdrahtung nicht umgekehrt ist (das wasserdichte Kabel wird für die Steckdose Motor, gewöhnliche Draht wird für andere verwendet). Außerdem sollte die Leistung und Spannung der Batterie, die Sie kaufen, mit unserem Kit übereinstimmen. Andernfalls kann es das Produkt beschädigen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das 7-Gang-Schwungrad mit dem Hinterrad ausgestattet ist. Bitte erlauben Sie den leichten Farbunterschied durch die Aufnahme Licht und 1-3 cm Fehler aufgrund der manuellen Messung verursacht, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nichts dagegen haben, bevor Sie bestellen. The suitable tire size is 261.75-2.125inch. Welcome to the yiyiukmall! We are committed to providing customers with better and more favorable products! Thank you for your support! France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor
26 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor UK. The E-BIKE Wheel Kit is not waterproof, so please don’t ride at rainy day. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. Ebike conversion kit for. Spokes and aluminum circle. Twist throttle with 5 star. This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed. To be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. If it does not match, it will easily damage the machine. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit Rear Wheel LCD E-Bike Hub Motor

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW
Spezifikation: Zustand: 100% nagelneu Typ: Heckmotor Motorspezifikationen: 36V / 350W Geschwindigkeit: 35KM / H Öffnungsweite der Hinterradgabel: ca. 135 mm / 5,3 Zoll Bremsen: V-Bremse / Scheibenbremse Steuerung: 36V / 18A Auxiliary: 5-Magnetpunkt-Hilfssensor Bremshebel: Bremshebel ausschalten Drossel: Daumendrossel Anzeige: SW-861LCD-Display Verdrahtungsmethode: wasserdichter Draht wird für den Auslassmotor verwendet, gewöhnlicher Draht wird für andere verwendet Packliste: 1 Motor 1 Controller 1 Hilfsgerät 1 Elektronische Servobremse 1 Daumendrossel 1 LCD-Anzeige 1 Wasserdichtes Kabel 1 tragbare Tasche des Controllers 1 7-Gang-Schwungrad (ausgestattet mit Hinterrad) Dieses Elektrofahrrad-Kit enthält alles, was Sie (außer Akku) brauchen, um Ihr Fahrrad in einer hohen L. 2Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW. E-Bike Umbausatz 36V 350W 26. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. 1.36V 350W brushless toothed motor specifications, strong and powerful. Equipped with a powerful controller to ensure large current supply. Suitable for V-brake and disc brake. The maximum speed of the motor is 30km / h. The size of the rear fork is 135mm. With ordinary thumb type handle. The size of the rim is 26 inches (suitable for 26-inch bicycles). Crank speed sensor for pedal assist. LCD function: speed mileage display, power display, fault display, speed five speed, fixed speed cruise. Condition: 100% brand new. Motor specifications: 36V 350W. Auxiliary: 5 magnetic point auxiliary sensor. Brake lever: power off brake lever. Wiring method: waterproof wire is used for outlet motor, ordinary wire is used for other. 1 Electronic power brake. 1 Controller portable bag. 1 7 speed flywheel (equipped with rear wheel). This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. The suits are not waterproof. Please don’t ride in the rainy day. We use the brake cable with a power cord, our clients can use disc brakes, but can not use hydraulic brake. About the battery: the size of amps determines the amount of battery storage, the battery storage determines the length of using time, the battery in our pack must match the interface of our controller. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. Hinweis: Achten Sie beim Anschließen des Controllers an die Drähte darauf, dass Sie die richtigen Farben an den Controller anschließen. Andernfalls kann der Controller beschädigt werden. Dieser Fahrrad-Umrüstsatz ist mit einem großen, energieeffizienten 350-Watt-Motor ausgestattet. Der Motor ist bürstenlos, um den Lärm effektiv zu reduzieren. Er hat viele Vorteile, wie z. Einen leistungsstarken Controller, LCD-Funktion, einstellbare Geschwindigkeit mit fünf Gängen, Tempomat mit fester Geschwindigkeit, usw. All dies wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen das entspannende und aufregende Fahrerlebnis zu bieten, das Sie verdienen! Dieses Produkt ist mit einem 350W bürstenlosen Getriebemotor ausgestattet, der leistungsstark ist und Geräusche reduzieren kann. Dieses Produkt ist mit einem leistungsstarken Controller ausgestattet, um eine hohe Stromzufuhr zu gewährleisten. Es kann Ihnen helfen, zu fahren, verdoppeln Sie die Entfernung, und machen Sie die Fahrt Prozess einfacher! Zwei Arten von Bremsen. Dieser Fahrradumbausatz unterstützt sowohl V-Bremsen als auch Scheibenbremsen und bietet Ihnen eine doppelte Sicherheitsgarantie. Die leuchtend rote Farbe des Rades und das exquisite Aussehen dieses Modells fügen Ihrem Fahrrad eine schöne Kulisse hinzu. Dieses Produkt verfügt über eine einstellbare Fünf-Gang-Schaltung, aber auch über eine Cruise-Funktion mit fester Geschwindigkeit, um Ihnen ein noch nie dagewesenes Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Die LCD-Anzeige kann Geschwindigkeit, Kilometerstand, Leistung und Fehler anzeigen, so dass Sie den Status des Fahrrads in der Zeit erfassen können. Mit einer maximalen Motorgeschwindigkeit von 35 km/h ohne Last können Sie das aufregende Erlebnis des Fahrens mit hoher Geschwindigkeit genießen. Wir sind bestrebt, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir werden so schnell wie möglich antworten und das Problem für Sie lösen. Die Positionierung des Schwungrads sorgt für sanftere Schaltvorgänge und reduziert die Geräuschentwicklung. Dieses Produkt verfügt über einen Kurbelwellensensor für die Tretunterstützung. Dieser Fahrradumrüstsatz passt für 26-Zoll-Fahrräder. Durchmesser: 63.3cm/24.92in. Größe der hinteren Gabelöffnung: etwa 13,5 cm/5,3 Zoll. Bremshebel: Power off Bremshebel. 1 7 Geschwindigkeit Schwungrad. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Produkt das Bremskabel mit einem Stromkabel verwendet, können Sie Scheibenbremsen verwenden, aber nicht eine hydraulische Bremse verwenden. Der Anzug ist nicht wasserdicht. Bitte fahren Sie nicht im Regen. Bei der Installation, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Verdrahtung nicht umgekehrt ist (das wasserdichte Kabel wird für die Steckdose Motor, gewöhnliche Draht wird für andere verwendet). Außerdem sollte die Leistung und Spannung der Batterie, die Sie kaufen, mit unserem Kit übereinstimmen. Andernfalls kann es das Produkt beschädigen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das 7-Gang-Schwungrad mit dem Hinterrad ausgestattet ist. Bitte erlauben Sie den leichten Farbunterschied durch die Aufnahme Licht und 1-3 cm Fehler aufgrund der manuellen Messung verursacht, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nichts dagegen haben, bevor Sie bestellen. The suitable tire size is 261.75-2.125inch. Welcome to the yiyiukmall! We are committed to providing customers with better and more favorable products! Thank you for your support! France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26Inch 36V Electric Bicycle Motor Conversion Kit E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub NEW

26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit

26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit

26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit
48V1000W ebike conversion kit for rear wheel 1. Spokes and aluminum circle 4. 7 Free Wheel 8. Twist throttle with 5 star 9. Connectors and fuse 11. Harness wires This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance, LCD display can not be connected to this kit. (please give us your LCD parameters) which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. 26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit. THE BATTERY IS NOT INCLUDED. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires. Please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. LCD display can not be connected to this kit. (please give us your LCD parameters). Flat fork width: Min. 48V1000W ebike conversion kit for rear wheel. Spokes and aluminum circle. Twist throttle with 5 star. This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. We use the brake cable with a power cord, our clients can use disc brakes but can not use hydraulic brake? About the battery: the size of amps determines the amount of battery storage, the battery storage determines the length of using time, the battery in our pack must match the interface of our controller, the following picture is the controller interface. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26Inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-Bike Rear Wheel Motor Hub Conversion Kit

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel
48V1000W ebike conversion kit for rear wheel 1. Spokes and aluminum circle 4. 7 Free Wheel 8. Twist throttle with 5 star 9. Connectors and fuse 11. 26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel. THE BATTERY IS NOT INCLUDED. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires. Please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. LCD display can not be connected to this kit. (please give us your LCD parameters). Flat fork width: Min. 48V1000W ebike conversion kit for rear wheel. Spokes and aluminum circle. Twist throttle with 5 star. This electric bicycle kit contains everything needed (except battery) to be your bike in a hoche performance. Which provides unparalleled performance and reliability. We use the brake cable with a power cord, our clients can use disc brakes but can not use hydraulic brake? About the battery: the size of amps determines the amount of battery storage, the battery storage determines the length of using time, the battery in our pack must match the interface of our controller, the following picture is the controller interface. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle E-bike Hub Motor Conversion Kit For Rear Wheel

26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W

26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W

26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W
THE BATTERY IS NOT INCLUDED. Note: while connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. When installing, make sure that the wiring is not reversed. Otherwise, it may damage the product. LCD display can not be connected to this kit. (please give us your LCD parameters). The Battery Is Not Included. Note: While Connecting the Controller to the Wires. Please Make Sure That You Connect the Right Colors to the Controller. Otherwise, the Controller May Be Broken. When Installing, Make Sure That the Wiring Is Not Reversed. Otherwise, It May Damage the Product. Lcd Display Can Not Be Connected to This Kit. (Please Give Us Your Lcd Parameters). Flat Fork Width: Min. 48v1000w Ebike Conversion Kit for Rear Wheel. Spokes and Aluminum Circle. Twist Throttle with 5 Star. This Electric Bicycle Kit Contains Everything Needed (Except Battery) to Be Your Bike in a Hoche Performance. Which Provides Unparalleled Performance and Reliability. We Use the Brake Cable with a Power Cord, Our Clients Can Use Disc Brakes But Can Not Use Hydraulic Brake? About the Battery: the Size of Amps Determines the Amount of Battery Storage, the Battery Storage Determines the Length of Using Time, the Battery in Our Pack Must Match the Interface of Our Controller, the Following Picture Is the Controller Interface. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
26Inch Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit DIY E-Bike Rear Wheel Hub Motor 48V 1000W

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS

26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS
This electric rear bike wheel can convert your normal bike to Pedelec bike then you can drive an e-bike effortlessly to work. Features: Conversion kit include: 48V 1000W hub motor with wheel, controller, bike brake shifter, thumb throttle, handlebar cover, coil bobbin, binding post, pedal assistant sensor and controller bag. DIY rear wheel e-bike conversion kit for bicycle with a 26×1.95 wheel. 48V/1000W controller, built-in kinds of cable for necessary parts of e-bike and work with little noise. Compatible with V brake system and disc brake system. Specification: Hub motor: Rear wheel Material: Butyl rubber + Aluminum alloy Wheel Size: 26×1.95” Voltage: 48V Power: 1000W Speed: 50km/h Max torque: 20N.
26inch 48V 1000W Electric Bicycle Rear Wheel E Bike Motor Conversion Kit PAS

26inch Electric Bike Conversion Kit 48V 1000W Brushless Motor Rear Wheel s D9U8

26inch Electric Bike Conversion Kit 48V 1000W Brushless Motor Rear Wheel s D9U8

26inch Electric Bike Conversion Kit 48V 1000W Brushless Motor Rear Wheel s D9U8
This Electric Bike Conversion Kit can convert your normal bike to pedelec bike then you can drive an e-bike effortlessly to work. Features: DIY rear motor & rim e-bike conversion kit. Suitable for rear wheel with drop out: 170mm/190mm(optional). Dual mode controller can check the motor hall sensor condition automatically. If the motor sensors are broken, controller will operate to None-Hall mode. Display panel shows battery power, speed and gear level. Several buttons for quick operation and convenient use. 8 magnets PAS system is more sensitive to let you pedal bike easier and save your efforts, makes you enjoy cycling. Brake shifters ensure personal safety while protecting the motor. Water-repellent controller storage bag can be mounted on a bicycle stand. Thumb throttle comes with battery indicator. Rim size(diameterwidth): 26×4 Drop out(for rear motor drive): 190mm. Model: With Display Panel/With Display Panel. Motor & Rim Kit: 48V 1000W Controller: 1000w 48V 28A. RPM: 500 Speed: Max. 55 km/h Max torque: 20 N. M Compatibility: V brake & Disc brake Package size: (26×4)606026cm Package weight: approx. 13 kg / 28.7 lb Package List: 1 Rear Motor & Rim Kit (type by random) 1 Controller 1 Controller Storage Bag 6 Ribbon 1 Coil Bobbin 1 Pair of Handlebar Cover 1 Thumb Throttle (type by random) 2 Bike Brake Shifter 1 Pedal Assitant Sensor 1 Connection Box 1 User Manual 1 LCD Display Panel. This item is in the category “Sporting Goods\Cycling\Bike Components & Parts\Electric Bike Components”. The seller is “spr-wd” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom.
  • Models: Without Display Panel
  • Brand: YANHO
  • ASIN: B096TW6ZH4
  • MPN: GQP3396165727598OR
  • Drop out(for rear motor drive): 190mm
  • Compatibility: V brake & Disc brake
  • Rim size(diameter*width): 26
  • Part Type: Electric Bike Conversion Kit
  • Motor & Rim Kit:: 48V 1000W

26inch Electric Bike Conversion Kit 48V 1000W Brushless Motor Rear Wheel s D9U8